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Becoming the owner of a toy-sized dog is challenging. You have to deal with them squeezing into tiny places and managing their diet just right because if you don’t, you’ll overpower their small tummy.

And sometimes, you’ll find yourself wondering when will my Yorkie stop growing. Because every part of their life and, in turn, your life is determined by it. But the answer to the question is tricky.

Yorkie Growth Chart: How Big Will My Yorkie Get?

Dogs are living creatures influenced by the stimuli around them. And this makes their growth dependent on outside factors and unpredictable. However, you, and hundreds of thousands of Yorkie owners across the globe, do need an answer.

Yorkie weight chart & general rules to calculate how big your Yorkie will get

So how then do you figure out at what age do Yorkies stop growing? Each one is different and external factors influence their growth significantly.

However, a Yorkie growth chart can help you get a general idea of how much your pet will grow.

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Yorkie Weight Chart

A Yorkie growth chart will never tell you precisely how much a dog will grow. However, it will provide estimates. The table gauges probable sizes based on a dog’s weight at birth. 

If your pet weighs more or less than the table indicates, this is probably because of its sub-breed and genetic disposition. For instance, if your Yorkie’s parents were smaller than a typical Yorkshire Terrier, it will also be smaller than suggested in the Yorkie growth chart.

How to Use This Yorkie Weight Chart?


  1. Find your Yorkie puppy’s current age (weeks) to the left of the chart
  2. Follow left to right to find the converted weight (ounces)
  3. Finally, follow to the bottom of the column for your Yorkie puppy adult estimated weight

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Note: You must convert your Yorkie puppy weight and age to use this chart
If you need assistance converting weight/age click the links below:

Weight Converter

Type a value in Pounds field to convert the value to Ounces:


yorkie  weight growth chart guide


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Puppy weight & paw size: General rules to calculate Yorkie weight

Yorkie Growth Chart

Similar to the table mentioned above, the formula to calculate weight isn’t exact either. But it does provide a rough estimate on where it should be. How do you use it? Double your Yorkie’s weight at twelve weeks and then add a ½ pound.

This means that a dog that weighs three pounds at twelve weeks should roughly be at six and a half pounds when fully grown. However, this isn’t a precise figure. And so you should always leave space for a pound increase or decrease.

A widely used tool to find a Yorkshire Terrier’s probable weight is a puppy paw size calculator. But what does this mean? You don’t have to measure it or add it to any formula. Instead, you use it to hypothesize, very generally, how big a dog will get. Puppies with smaller paws are probably going to be smaller when they’ve grown up.

Yorkie puppy size: How much do Yorkies weigh?

The American Kennel Club is the official authority on dog classifications. Along with defining what a pure breed dog looks like, they also divide them into different categories based on size. And Yorkies are one of the smallest ones falling under the Toy Group.

Under AKC rules, a Yorkshire Terrier can only go up to seven pounds. Any bigger isn’t a pure breed. But since animals don’t live by arbitrary regulations, quite a few weigh more than this. And as long as larger Yorkies are healthy, their extra weight isn’t an issue.

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Teacup Yorkies: Are Small Yorkies healthy? 


Miniature or teacup Yorkies are the result of special breeding within the Yorkshire Terrier line. Given their tiny size, their immune system is weak and unable to fight bacteria or viruses. Therefore, they suffer many health issues.

Teacup Yorkies live shorter lives than the typical Yorkshire Terrier. And they also attract illnesses like digestive problems and collapsed tracheas.

So while this sub-breed is loving and affectionate, owners will need to pay special attention to their health.

When does a Yorkie puppy stop growing?

Similar to other dog breeds, Yorkies grow quickly in their early years. They are tiny at birth and move through their development stages rapidly.

Newborn: Birth to two weeks

When born, the typical Yorkie will weigh three to five ounces. These are tiny creatures in need of a lot of love and attention. They’re helpless and will depend on you to take care of them.

Most Yorkshire Terriers spend most of their time sleeping during this period. And so you shouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even open their eyes for long stretches.

Additionally, a newborn Yorkie can barely crawl. Their limited movement is directed towards searching for their mother’s milk.

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Infancy: two weeks to eight weeks

Baby Yorkies

The period of infancy is characterized by a Yorkie waking up to the world. They open their eyes and start exploring the territory around them. Their journey will probably start with something similar to wobbling and eventually reach a point where they are climbing out of bed.

Once a Yorkie puppy gains mobility, they start interacting with the animals around them. And this is particularly noticeable in siblings. They’ll tug at ears and shove each other around the house.

At this point, they should be able to consume all liquids. So as for their diet, you should start giving your pet solid food.

Some dog owners aim to make their pets independent of their mother’s milk by eight months. However, some prefer waiting until twelve weeks. You know your Yorkie the best and therefore make the decision for them.

Another noticeable event during this period is potty training. You should know that this doesn’t happen overnight and that you will face quite a few obstacles. However, you should always push through; perseverance is key.

Puppy time: eight weeks to six months

As a puppy, your pet is no longer a silent and obedient dog. They are vocal, determined, and stubborn. Expect them to make their demands known and to push until you meet them.

A Yorkie puppy enjoys playing and will run around the house like it’s their last day there. Consequently, they will also get tired and sleep extensively. One minute they’ll be wrestling like their life depends on it, and the next, you’ll find them cuddling up in their bed.

During this period, you will see your puppy develop its personality and become bold. If socialized properly, they’ll interact with other people and always be quick on their feet.

By the six month point, your Yorkie will lose its floppy ears and baby teeth. The former will stand up, and the latter will fall out to make space for their stronger counterparts. 

We’ve gone over quite a few momentous acts, and so you probably know you need to take special care of your Yorkie during this time.

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Teenage angst: six months to two years


By the time your Yorkie hits the six-month mark, they will have developed their personality. However, maintaining their social life is incredibly important because it keeps them healthy. Not doing so will push them into a condition called ‘Yorkie separation anxiety.’

You should know that your tiny Yorkie will attempt to assert dominance in this period. They will give into the fundamental canine desire to be seen as the leader of a pack. If you don’t exert control, they will believe they have power over you.

Stick to a tight exercise routine and maintain consistent mental stimulation. Keep them tired, and they’ll be well behaved.

Yorkies stop growing by the time they turn one. They also reach sexual maturity, which means your female pets will go into heat

Yorkie adulthood: two years to 10 years

Your Yorkie will not grow after the two-year mark. And any fluctuation is caused by inappropriate diets. Therefore, as long as you keep your Yorkie on a healthy, balanced, and proper diet, they will not grow.

Additionally, they’ll establish routines, and you should always try your best to follow them. It’s been two years, and you know your dog better than anyone else. You understand their personality, likes, dislikes, and energy levels. Use all that information to facilitate your Yorkie’s habits and cycles.

This kind of connection is never one way. At the point at which you are this close to your dog, they will reciprocate and be bonded to you. You’ll find them follow you around the house and express discontent whenever you leave it. The affection may even extend to them trying to stop you from leaving.

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The golden years: 10 years and on

Beyond the ten year mark, Yorkies will become old and slow down. They won’t play as much or run around as they used to during their teen years or adulthood. And you may even notice changes in their diet.

This age goes hand in hand with health issues like arthritis and diminishing vision and smell. Their movement will be limited, and they’ll need you to help them jump up to a shelf that used to be a leap away.

Your Yorkie will also rest more than usual. Naps will become more frequent and longer. And as their caretaker, it is your responsibility to facilitate them. Make sure they’re comfortable and talk to a veterinarian to get your pet any necessary medication.


You won’t ever be able to tell exactly how big your pet will become. However, a Yorkie growth chart will help you determine a healthy range. And if your dog falls in or around that estimate, you don’t need to worry.

What you should worry about is providing your Yorkie will the best possible life experiences. Understand the different stages of their life and identify the one your dog is in. Then give them access to the tools and facilities they need according to it.